Experience the natural beauty of mountains and lakes in Switzerland. Discover your sophisticated side. Boarding schools in Switzerland are widely regarded as being the top schools anywhere in the world. With various options boasting amazing campuses and breathtaking views, your only decision is when to begin.
● The capital of Switzerland is Bern
● Switzerland has four official languages: French, German, Italian, and Romansh
● Wherever you are in Switzerland, you will never be more than 17 kilometers from a lake
● The Swiss eat more chocolate than any other country in the world
● Switzerland is the headquarters of several international organizations, the Red Cross, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, FIFA, and many more
The American School in Switzerland Camp
Edades: 5 a 18 años
País: Suiza
Tipo: Campamento
Leysin American School in Switzerland – Camp
Edades: 10 a 17 años
País: Suiza
Tipo: Campamento